Mandeep Singh vs Collector - Writ Petition - Election Matters
Constitution of India - Article 226 -Election matters-When the election process has begun, no order should normally be passed by the courts interfering with the election. The logic being that, if in such election matters, an interference is made by the Courts, then in all likelihood, no election can take place ever. The remedy, which is always available to the other side, is by way of an Election Petition or a Civil Suit, whatever the case may be, after the elections are over- Referred to N.P. Ponnuswami Vs. Returning Officer, Namakkal Constituency (1952) S.C.R. 218 :: 1952 INSC 2 and Mohinder Singh Gill Vs. The Chief Election Commissioner, New Delhi (1978)1 SCC 405 :: [1978] 2 S.C.R. 272 :: 1977 INSC 227
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